I photographed 100+ hockey players today. Winterhawks gave me 2 hours to finish and set up was fairly simple. I like to use background light but client wanted similar background that WHL used (they didn't use background light nor hair light). I can give up background light but I couldn't photograph without hair light. For this many players, setting up boom arm and adjusting it's position was impossible. I used strip-box as a hair light instead and it was set about 1 stop under. This created some separation from dark background and lid up player hair and shoulder. Main light was 60" Photek softliter II which specifically designed for Elinchrom. Great for full length portrait and I generally don't use fill due to its large light source. I used a silver reflector in case player wears a hat or helmet. A 10x20 Westcott muslin backdrop was used since some of these players were really tall.
Here's some of the images that I shot today. I only had less than 1 min to shoot for every player. To see more player headshot, visit my website or winterhawks homepage